Friday, August 27, 2010
Cake Boss, Not Quite
Monday, August 23, 2010
And Just Like That, She's One
We love you, Lucille!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Birthday Excitement
Sunday, August 8, 2010
"It's Been A Long, Long Time"
There's nothing sweeter than taking morning walks in comfy clothes with a coffee in hand, Lucy on hip and Indy on a leash. Every morning we would walk to the overlook, watch the fog rise off the lake and take a deep breath of the mountain air. It's so refreshing to spend a weekend away in a place you love with your family. It was just what we needed.
When deciding what our "wedding song" was going to be, we went through numerous suggestions, libraries on both our computers, and even searched wedding songs on the internet to see if it would spark an interest. About a week before the wedding, Nate's music was on shuffle and we were cleaning the camp. I was sweeping the floors in the kitchen and he was in the living room picking up some of Lucy's toys when suddenly, it hit us. Bing Crosby's "It's Been A Long, Long Time" came on and we both stopped what we were doing, made eye contact and smiled. This was it. A perfect description of the love, devotion, passion and longing while he was away. It was, indeed, a long, long time.
And Rangeley, it's been a long, long time...and we won't let it happen again.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Blueberry Love
Today's dessert: Almond Blueberry Buckle.
Another easy recipe that promises to keep my husband full and content!
Incase you can't tell, I'm a huge fan of blueberries, and try to take advantage of Maine's FANTASTIC wild blueberries in the summertime. For dinner I'm going to make some blueberry barbeque sauce for chicken and pork on the grill. Yum.
The duration of our summer will surely be spent splitting the lovely 10 cord of wood that you see Lucy sitting in front of. Doesn't she just look so little here?! The wood is all cut, but now onto splitting. I love this part, because I can participate and feel satisfied when I grab the maul and go at it, slicing the wood right in half (well...sometimes in half. I might miss every now and then).
We've also had some time to relax and soak up this wonderful life we have with Lucy. We try to get her outside as much as possible - whether it's having her in the garden with us, playing in her swing, crawling on the grass or in her little baby pool. I hope she grows to love this home as much as we do!